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Resume harvard law

Resume harvard law

resume harvard law

Apr 11,  · Legal Resumes This guide contains some basic suggestions about preparing resumes, and includes samples for you to consult. If you would like to have a Career Development Office attorney-counselor review your draft resume, send it to the career email box, career@blogger.com resume process, from start to finish, can take much longer Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Feb 21,  · • Make sure your resume and cover letter are prepared with the same font type and size. Use complete Street title and address. Address to a particular person if possible and remember to use a colon. Make the ad- dressee want to read your resume. Be brief, but specific. Ask for a meeting and remember to follow up. Date of Letter. Contact NameFile Size: 1MB Jul 09,  · Law School Resume Example. Below is a genuine sample of a resume that got someone accepted into a top law school. Cameron Clark – a Harvard Law School graduate, civil rights attorney and founder Author: Ilana Kowarski

Kenneth W. Mack | Harvard Law School

This guide contains some basic suggestions about preparing resumes, and includes samples for you to consult. If you would like to have a Career Development Office attorney-counselor review your draft resume, resume harvard law, send it to the career email box, career law. The resume process, from start to finish, can take much longer than you anticipate.

Start early, and give yourself plenty of time. A resume is a marketing device whereby you present the most attractive, true picture of yourself with the goal of convincing an employer to meet resume harvard law you, resume harvard law.

Resume harvard law resume is usually your first contact with a potential employer and will probably determine whether your qualifications and background warrant an interview or serious consideration for a job. While employers do not usually hire on the basis of a resume alone, they may decide not to interview an applicant on the basis of a poorly prepared or presented resume.

Therefore, excellent resume harvard law and presentation are vital. Employers assume that your resume represents your best work and is indicative of your general work product in terms of clarity, organization, accuracy and appearance.

As a general rule, anything that does not contribute to getting you an interview should be eliminated from your resume. Most decisions about what to include and how best to present information in your resume are based on your personal assessment of your strengths, the kind s of position you are seeking, your own taste and style, and your knowledge of how resumes in the legal profession traditionally look and read.

Consider having more than one resume to emphasize different things for different types of prospective employers. Resumes for public interest organizations. For these employers, a demonstrated commitment to public interest work will be a key factor.

Evidence of your commitment can take the form of extracurricular activities, journals, internships, clinics and volunteer work, all of which should be included on your resume. Consider including substantive clinical work or student organization activities e. Unlike resumes aimed at private sector employers, public interest resumes can go over one page if your experience requires it; however, it is still critical to use concise language and efficient formatting.

Resume Rules. There are a few absolute rules for writing resumes. Your resume must be:. Difficult Resume harvard law. This is true regardless of the legality of taking such factors into account. The decision whether to include resume harvard law information is a personal one. First, resume harvard law, consider how important the inclusion of such information is to you, and whether you would want to work for an employer who would use it in making a decision whether to hire you.

If you choose not to include this information, you still have the option of bringing it up in an interview, or later in the hiring process. If you are unsure about whether to include items of this kind in your resume, contact a CDO attorney-counselor. Accuracy of Resume Information and Verification of Resumes. It is imperative that all resume harvard law presented on your resume be scrupulously honest and free of embellishment. The potential for misrepresentation of academic performance is of great concern to employers; they typically verify this information.

Berkeley Law has established practices to ensure the fair and accurate presentation of students in the placement process, including procedures for the verification of statements concerning grades, journal membership, or other law school achievements that a student has made in a resume or other document.

Any falsification or misrepresentation of law school grades or other records, recommendations or other qualifications is a violation of the Academic Honor Code.

First, brainstorm. Inventory your background and accomplishments and list everything which helps to distinguish you individually, resume harvard law, professionally and resume harvard law a student. You might ask for input from family or friends because you may overlook some basic but important resume harvard law. Remember to focus on what you bring to the table based on your experience, resume harvard law. What will make the employer interested in you?

This resume harvard law should go in large bold face type at the top of your resume. If you choose to include both your school address and your permanent address you should indicate which is which.

Students often include an out-of-area address in order to show that they have a connection to an area outside of Northern California. Always include your phone number and email address, but only one of each. Your email address, as well as your voicemail greeting, should be professional. List your education in reverse chronological order law school first. Do not include your high school. Include basic information on schools attended, degrees received and dates or anticipated dates of graduation, and major field s of study.

Under your undergraduate school heading, include major and minor areas of study and thesis topics, if applicable. If you desire, include your GPA if impressive. Be consistent. If you acquired a degree which employers might not recognize by its abbreviation, spell out the degree name. A Special Note for Transfer Students : Resume harvard law you transferred here from another law school, put Berkeley Law first, followed by the other law school, for at least your first year at Berkeley Law.

Joint Degree Students : If you are pursuing a joint degree program, be sure to list both schools under your education section.

Honors and Activities. Honors attached to your degree should appear in lowercase after the degree awarded, e. If the honors are in Latin, they should be italicized. Other academic honors are listed separately below your degree, along with school activities. If you have extensive undergraduate honors and resume harvard law, you might consider listing only a representative number of them.

Make sure it is clear which activities are at which institutions. If you were involved during school with an activity not related to the school, it should go under a different section of your resume. For law school, list all honors and activities of importance such as law review, participation on other journals, moot court, trial advocacy, resume harvard law, clinics, fellowships, scholarships, committees, student organization membership, and academic awards.

If an activity in college or law school was or is especially involved or relevant, consider resume harvard law it under the Experience section. For example, if you are a public interest student, your participation in CARC could go under Experience, with a description of the work you did on your asylum case. Grades, Rank and LSAT Scores. Berkeley Law does not rank its students except for the sole purpose of clerkship applicationsand Berkeley Law faculty policy provides that students must not include any representation or estimate of class rank on a resume or in a cover letter.

LSAT scores should not be listed on your resume, as they are designed to predict law school performance only, and are not an indicator of professional performance. Use reverse chronology. You can list a brief summary of your most important duties, or a better approach is to list the skills resume harvard law have developed at the job so that the employer can see what you can bring to the table.

Your experience is worth including not for what you did, but for what it says about you and what you can do in the future. Anything that makes you stand out should be included. List the name and location of the employer, your title, the dates of employment, and a brief summary of your most important duties. Emphasize law-related work in any area, but do not struggle to make your experience appear more law-related than it really is; many students come to law school with no legal experience whatsoever, and employers know this.

If the name resume harvard law the employer is inadequate to convey the nature of the business, resume harvard law, try to incorporate a description of the employer in your job duties, resume harvard law, e. Use present tense verbs to describe your current job and past tense verbs with all former positions, resume harvard law.

Provide specific information about actions and responsibilities e. Many skills obtained in non-law jobs are transferable to law practice e. Try to highlight such skills. If you were at one job for a long time, show promotions and increased responsibility, if applicable.

If you had many part-time or temporary jobs while resume harvard law school, consider summarizing them, e. For certain jobs, such as in retail or restaurants, or as a ski instructor, it can be appropriate to omit the description altogether, as most people know roughly what this work entails.

Include summer jobs to avoid time gaps on your resume. Any experience can be relevant, regardless of whether resume harvard law not it was paid, so if your volunteer or community service is substantial, include it in the main body of your resume, especially if you are applying for public interest positions.

Resume Style. Resume styles vary, as presented by the samples found at the end of this guide. In addition to using physical layout, take advantage of the various ways to highlight important information, such as bold face, capitalization, italicizing, and underlining.

Be completely consistent with the choices you make e. Your heading can be in a different font from the body of the resume if the mix is attractive and both fonts are conservative, and your name can be in a larger font from the rest of the text, resume harvard law, for emphasis.

Look for a pleasant balance of text and white space on the page. While margins can be smaller than the standard for a term paper, resume harvard law, you should allow at least a half-inch all around. Once you have your resume set up as you want it with content and layout, proofread it carefully.

Look for inconsistencies in style as well as actual typos. Do not trust yourself as the only proofreader; enlist the aid of at least one other person.

If you discover a typo, you must redo your resume, even if it has been already been printed; no typo is insignificant. A few technical notes. If you send your resume electronically, it is preferable resume harvard law convert it to a PDF file first; this way your formatting and any document history are invisible, and you can control exactly the way your resume appears and prints, resume harvard law.

Email addresses in your contact information should be text, like your phone number, not a hyperlink. Sample Resumes These are included as a pdf to preserve formatting, an essential element of effective resume-drafting. Return to Contents. Skip to content Home » Careers » Protected: Career Resource Library » Legal Resumes. Contents A. What is a Resume? Effective Resumes C.

A Day in the Life of a Harvard Student

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Resume Layout Guidance | Harvard Law School

resume harvard law

Apr 11,  · Legal Resumes This guide contains some basic suggestions about preparing resumes, and includes samples for you to consult. If you would like to have a Career Development Office attorney-counselor review your draft resume, send it to the career email box, career@blogger.com resume process, from start to finish, can take much longer Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Feb 21,  · • Make sure your resume and cover letter are prepared with the same font type and size. Use complete Street title and address. Address to a particular person if possible and remember to use a colon. Make the ad- dressee want to read your resume. Be brief, but specific. Ask for a meeting and remember to follow up. Date of Letter. Contact NameFile Size: 1MB Jul 09,  · Law School Resume Example. Below is a genuine sample of a resume that got someone accepted into a top law school. Cameron Clark – a Harvard Law School graduate, civil rights attorney and founder Author: Ilana Kowarski

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