AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY, AND CONFLICT A Thesis by CODY JOHN ZILVERBERG Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE May Major Subject: Agricultural rows · The degree builds on prior degrees in Agricultural Environmental and Regional The Effects of Agricultural Market Liberalization and Commercialization on Household Food Security in Rural China PhD Dissertation Titles. Soil Fertility Management and Economic of Soybeans in Ghana Rural Households and Shocks: Asset Transfer, Migration and Civil Conflict
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Research News ACES Seminars, phd thesis on agriculture. Past Theses and Dissertations. MSc Theses Titles A Crop Simulation Approach to Estimate the Value of On-Farm Field Trials Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Motivations and Efectiveness US Yield Forecasting Using Crop Condition Ratings Race, Income, and Benefits from National Parks Valuing Phd thesis on agriculture Beaches Across Race and Income Determinants of Soybean Adopotion and Performance in Northern Ghana The Impact of Electricity Access on Education in Kenya Investigating the Heterogeneous Effects of Temperature on Economic Grown Consumer Willingness to Pay for Lettuce from Different Agricultural Phd thesis on agriculture Systems Are they Lemons?
Unobservable Quality, Information and Mineral Fertilizer Demand Building Capacity of Rural Youth and Extension Workers in Agriculture as a Business: Evidence from a Field Experiment phd thesis on agriculture Malawi Cost and Timeliness of Alternative Nitrogen Applications Methods Where Trees Grow, Assets Grow: Applying Spatial Matching to Evaluate Agroforestry's Household Welfare Impacts in Kenya Impacts of Crop Insurance on Cash Rents Revealed Willingness to Pay for Conservation across the U, phd thesis on agriculture.
The High-Low Spread Estimator is not Well-Behaved in Commodity Markets Impacts of Sustainable Streets on Housing Prices: A Hedonic Analysis in Chicago Impacts of Pesticide Use Practices and Gender on Cowpea Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in Benin Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Fresh and Frozen Vegetables The Components of the Bid-Ask Spread: Evidence from the Corn Futures Market Can Volatility Based Technical Signals Capture Consistent Abnormal Equity Index Returns?
Does U. Food Aid have Disincentive Effects on Production? Shale Gas Development and Respiratory Health The Impact of Information on Animal Product Consumption House Prices and School Choice: Evidence from Chicago's Magnet Schools Proximity Lottery Homeowner Willingness to Pay for a Pre-flood Buyout Agreement The Effect of Intermediary Market Power on Grain Prices in India and Brazil Oil Prices and Regional Trade in the United States Food Insecurity in the Phd thesis on agriculture. The Case of Ugandan Community Knowledge Workers An Economic Analysis of a Mechanized Systems Approach to Cassava Production in Sub-Saharan Africa Understanding the Price of DDGS Passing on Dietary Diversity?
Livestock Ownership in the Copperbelt Region of Zambia Peer Effects in Agricultural Extension: Evidence of Endogenous Social Interaction In The Performance of Community Knowledge Extension Workers in Uganda Optimization of a Supply Chain Network for Bioenergy Production from Food Waste Value Creation in the Agri-Food Value Chain Land Use Allocation in Zhangjiakou City Under A Spatial Autocorrelation Perspective Maize Response To Fertilizer And Fertilizer-Use Decisions for Farmers in Ghana The Effects of Landscape Factors on Honey Bee Morbidity Total Factor Productivity of Tropical Soybean-Maize Systems: The Case Of The Safrinha Crop System In Mato Gasso, Brazil Assessing the effectiveness of renewable specific policies on global renewable energy development Do improvements in environmental performance lead to job loss?
Apple Industry Is Subsistence Enough? The Performance of Market Advisory Services in Feedlot Margins over - Opportunities and Obstacles in obtaining air connectivity for the residents of federally designated Essential Air service communities Spatial Integration in China's Pork Markets, Managing Supply Risks in China's Food Industry: The Buyer's Problem A Spatial Analysis of Agricultural Cash Rents Asset Utilization Efficiency and Energy Asset Turns: A New Approach for Evaluating and Comparing Renewable Energy Projects Forecasting Diesel Fuel Prices The Performance of Agricultural Market Advisory Services in Wheat Over The Impact of Income and Population Change in Sub-Provincial Chinese Meat, Egg, phd thesis on agriculture, and Aquatic Product Consumption Household Phd thesis on agriculture of Green Technologies: The Case of Chicago Rain Barrels Rural Eutopia: Can We Learn from Persistently Prosperous Places?
Farm-Level Impacts of Alternative Spatial Water Management Policies for the Protection of Instream Flows Demand Side Factors in Optimal Land Conservation Choice Farmers' Expectations of Yield Differences between Triple-Stack and Conventional Corn Hybrids Trade Capacity Building for Improved Food Safety: Is SPS-Related Technical Assistance Consistent with Food Safety Hazards?
Live and Feeder Cattle Options Markets: Returns, Risk, and Volatility Forecasting Evaluating Sampling Biases in Policy Analysis of Environmental Markets Water Demand in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Estimating the Non-commercial-Commercial Feed Gap in China and its impact on Future World Demand for Soybeans Area Revenue Insurance as a Basis for U.
Farm Policy in Major Wheat Producing Areas: A Potential Cost Savings? Acceptability of Vitamin A-Biofortified Orange Maize to Urban Consumers in Maputo, Mozambique Weather, Corn and Soybean Yields, and Technology in the U. Corn Belt Why Have Some Counties in the Rural South Escaped Persistent Poverty? Socioeconomic Characteristics That Explain the Growth Out of Poverty Consumer Behavior in Managing Body Weight Through Diet and Exercise Modeling the Impacts of Sow Longevity An Analysis of Farmers' Preferences for Lender Attributes Pressure Group Competition in U.
Economic Sanctions Policy: An Empirical Investigation Weak Institutions, Intellectual Property, phd thesis on agriculture, and the Seed Breeder's Problem An Empirical Investigation of Land Use Choice in the Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia Using Discrete Choice Models Economic and Ecological Impacts on Fisheries Due to Invasive Species: A Spatial Analysis of Asian Carp in the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers Ex-ante Analysis of the Economic Effects of Papaya Biotechnology in the Philippines Analysis of Post-IPO Stock Price Movements for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc.
Biofuels Policy Impact on Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Social Welfare Rins and the Ethanol Supply Phd thesis on agriculture An Alternative View Three Essays on Conservation: Dynamic and Spatial Reserve Design and Values and Preferences for Econsystem Restoration Three Empirical Analyses of Behavioral and Nutrition Policy Influences on Dietary Choices Essays on the Spatial Dynamic Interaction of Individual Behavior, Institutions, phd thesis on agriculture, and the Environment Bioproducts and Environmental Quality: Biofuels, Greenhouse Gasses, and Water Quality The Impacts of Research on Philippine Rice Production Welfare Effects of Biofuel Policies in the Presence of Environmental Externalities and Pre-Existing Distortions Three Essays on Fisheries Economics Market Orientation Production Agriculture: Measurement, Relationships, and Implications A Dynamic Analysis of U.
Biofuels Policy Impact on Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Social Welfare Market Work and Household Production in Brazil Improving the Accuracy of Outlook Price Forecasts: An Application to Livestock Markets Using Asset Poverty Measures to Understand Poverty Dynamics, Poverty Traps, phd thesis on agriculture, and Farmer Behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Focus on Rural Ethiopia Defining and Measuring Entrepreneurship for Regional Research: A New Approach Empirical Analysis of Farm Credit Risk under the Structure Model Three Essays on Crop Insurance: RMA's Rules and Participation, and Perceptions Intergenerational Caregiving between Parents and Their Adult Children: Evidence from a Study of Older Americans Trade and Welfare Effects of Japan's Revised Import Protocol for American Apples Implied Transaction Costs in Agricultural Futures Markets Do Transaction Costs and Risk Preferences Influence Marketing Arrangements in the Illinois Hog Industry?
Building Capacity of Rural Youth and Extension Workers in Agriculture as a Business: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Malawi. Where Trees Grow, Assets Grow: Applying Spatial Matching to Evaluate Agroforestry's Household Welfare Impacts in Kenya.
Impacts of Pesticide Use Practices and Gender on Cowpea Productivity of Smallholder Farmers in Benin. House Prices and School Choice: Evidence from Chicago's Magnet Schools Proximity Lottery. An Investigation of the Relationships Among Home Gardens, Dietary Phd thesis on agriculture, and the Nutritional Status of Children Aged 0 to 5 in Indian Households. How Do CKWS Respond to Performance-Based Incentives? The Case of Ugandan Community Knowledge Workers. An Economic Analysis of a Mechanized Systems Approach to Cassava Production in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Peer Effects in Agricultural Extension: Evidence of Endogenous Social Interaction In The Performance of Community Knowledge Extension Workers in Uganda, phd thesis on agriculture. Total Factor Productivity of Tropical Soybean-Maize Systems: The Case Of The Safrinha Crop System In Mato Gasso, Brazil.
Assessing the effectiveness of renewable specific policies on global renewable energy development. Tradable Permit Systems for a Spatially Heterogeneous Externality: Phd thesis on agriculture Microparameter Approach. Developing a Farm Income Projection Model for Illinois Farms to Determine Advantages of the Agricultural Act of 's Farm Safety Net options, phd thesis on agriculture.
Post-Harvest Loss in Tropical Soybean Systems: Brazilian Managers' Perceptions and Mitigation Strategies: Two Manuscripts.
The Impact of Livestock and Gender on Household Expenditure Patterns in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. The Impact of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Consumption of Rural Households in Peru. Energy Usage of Agricultural Machinery for Corn and Soybean Production in Brazil, India, USA and Zambia, phd thesis on agriculture.
The Persistence of Business Performance in Sample Soybean Farms from Mato Gross and Illinois. An Analysis of the Gender Composition of the Consumer Economics Major Over Time: A Case Study of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Phd thesis on agriculture Effects of Agricultural Market Liberalization and Commercialization on Household Food Security in Rural China.
The Impact of Rainfall Variability on Agricultural Production and Household Welfare in Rural Malawi. Weak Information Flow Challenging Reproductive Management Decision-Making along the Swine Reproductive Value Chain: Three Manuscripts. Is Subsistence Enough? Examining the Impact of Household Farm Biodiversity on Dietary Diversity in Bukidnon, phd thesis on agriculture, Philippines.
EU Import Notifications phd thesis on agriculture a Protectionist Move: An Examination of the Relation Between Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers in Seafood Trade. Ex-ante Analysis of Corn and Soybean Revenue in Illinois with Crop Insurance and Government Payment Programs.
Costs of Maintaining the Conservation Reserve Program in Illinois in the Presence of Biofuels. Conversion from Staple to Cash Crop Production in Mexico after NAFTA: Effects of PROCAMPO and Credit Constraints, phd thesis on agriculture. A Mathematical Model for Political Districting with Compactness Consideration and an Application to Kentucky Senate Districting. Marketing and Crop Insurance: A Portfolio Approach to Risk Management for illinois Corn and Soybean Producers.
Opportunities and Obstacles in obtaining air connectivity for the residents of federally designated Essential Air service communities.
Asset Utilization Efficiency and Energy Asset Turns: A New Approach for Evaluating and Comparing Renewable Energy Projects. The Impact of Income and Population Change in Sub-Provincial Chinese Meat, Egg, and Aquatic Product Consumption.
Farm-Level Impacts of Alternative Spatial Water Management Policies for the Protection of Instream Flows. Farmers' Expectations of Yield Differences between Triple-Stack and Conventional Corn Hybrids, phd thesis on agriculture. Trade Capacity Building for Improved Food Safety: Is SPS-Related Technical Assistance Consistent with Food Safety Hazards?
Estimating the Non-commercial-Commercial Feed Gap in China and its impact on Future World Demand for Soybeans. Area Revenue Insurance as a Basis for U.
Understanding the Decision-Making Process for the Consumption of Landscape Products and Services. Analysis of Farmer Attitudes Toward the Production of Cellulosic Feedstock for Ethanol Biorefineries: Characteristics and Consequences.
Designing Appropriate Market Linkage Programs: Are Private and Cooperative Marketing Channels Compliments or Substitutes?
Acceptability of Vitamin A-Biofortified Orange Maize to Urban Consumers in Maputo, Mozambique. Why Have Some Counties in the Rural South Escaped Persistent Poverty?
Socioeconomic Characteristics That Explain the Growth Out of Poverty. Pressure Group Competition in U. Economic Sanctions Policy: An Empirical Investigation. An Empirical Investigation of Land Use Choice in the Leuser Ecosystem, Indonesia Using Discrete Choice Models. Economic and Ecological Impacts on Fisheries Due to Invasive Species: A Spatial Analysis of Asian Carp in the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers.
Analysis of Post-IPO Stock Price Movements for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc, phd thesis on agriculture. An Evaluation of Forecast Accuracy and Sources of Forecast Errors in WASDE Balance Sheets for Corn and Soybeans, phd thesis on agriculture. A Farm-Level Analysis of the Expenses Involved with Machinery Sharing and the Most Phd thesis on agriculture Options to Acquire the Use of a Combine and Headers. Bargaining Power and Agricultural Household Supply Response: Evidence from Ethiopian Coffee Growers.
Essays on Production Chains and Disruptions: New Input-Output Perspectives on Time, Scale and Space. Impact of Coordinated Asset Transfers and Asset Ownersip on Poverty Reduction, Women's Empowerment, and Child Education: Evidence from Zambia, and Tanzania. Three Essays in Development Economics: Private Transfers, phd thesis on agriculture, Farmers' Retirement, and Learning Failtures.
Labor Productivity, Remittance Use, and the Impact of the Poverty Alleviation Fund PAF Program in Nepal. The Role of Skilled Labor Pool in Driving Firms to Agglomerate: An Empirical Study on China's Policy Experiment, phd thesis on agriculture.
Testing Two Existing Fertilizer Recommendation Algorithms: Stanford's 1, phd thesis on agriculture. The Determinants of Agglomeration in Brazil: Input-Output, Labor and Knowledge externalities. The Role of Agglomeration and Dispersion Forces on the Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity in Chile: An Empirical Analysis of Spatial Wage Distribution and Regional Housing Prices. Measuring the Effects of Food Price Increases and Agricultural Commercialization on Poverty and Nutrition.
A Prospective Analysis of Brazilian Biofuel Economy: Land Use, Infrastructure Phd thesis on agriculture and Fuel Pricing Policies. Three Essays on Households' Location Decisions: Analysis of the Processes of Gentrification and Rural-Urban Migration. Properties of Natural Systems and the Efficiency of Market-Based Solutions to Environmental Externalities, phd thesis on agriculture.
Essays on the Spatial Dynamic Interaction of Individual Behavior, Institutions, and the Environment. Three Essays on Patronage Refunds and Capital Structure of Farm Credit System Associations. A Dynamic Analysis of U. Biofuels Policy Impact on Land Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Social Welfare. Three Essays on Conservation: Dynamic and Spatial Reserve Design and Values and Preferences for Econsystem Restoration. Welfare Effects of Biofuel Policies in the Presence of Environmental Externalities and Pre-Existing Distortions.
Improving the Accuracy of Outlook Price Forecasts: An Application to Phd thesis on agriculture Markets. Using Asset Poverty Measures to Understand Poverty Dynamics, phd thesis on agriculture, Poverty Traps, and Farmer Behavior in Phd thesis on agriculture Africa: A Focus on Rural Ethiopia. Intergenerational Caregiving between Parents and Their Adult Children: Evidence from a Study of Older Americans.
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, time: 12:20Sustainable Agriculture Theses and Dissertations | | Iowa State University

The Effects of Agricultural Market Liberalization and Commercialization on Household Food Security in Rural China PhD Dissertation Titles. Soil Fertility Management and Economic of Soybeans in Ghana Rural Households and Shocks: Asset Transfer, Migration and Civil Conflict rows · The degree builds on prior degrees in Agricultural Environmental and Regional Follow. Theses/Dissertations from PDF. The role of ecosystem services in urban agriculture and planning in Austin, Texas, Kevin Ellis. PDF. Management effects on near-surface soil properties in a temperate corn-soybean cropping system, Eric Britt Moore. PDF
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