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Cell phones in school opinion essay
In this day and age, smartphones has caused my generation to enter a whole new world. We essays on cell phones currently obsessed with the modern technology and often get lost in all of the social media. People are mesmerized by instant interactions and information we can receive and are constantly checking their phones for new updates. A group of friends could all be sitting together but no one would be talking to one another because everyone would be reading their twitter or Facebook page.
This type of communication is anything but social. We lose social skills by always communicating with people over phones and computers. This modern technology is like a cave that we cannot escape from. However, when one does leave the cave for a substantial amount of time, he realizes that communicating in person has far better perks than through a screen. Our society needs to educate the population that this technology is only good in small amounts and that it should not consume our life because it is not reality.
Cell phones force us to be anti-social, lose patience easily, use incorrect spelling and essays on cell phones and it limits our face-to-face interactions with one another. Many people that are my age received their first cell phone around sixth grade, and many of us struggle with social interaction. Nowadays, children are getting their own cell phones as early as the age of five and they are exposed to these gadgets even earlier, essays on cell phones.
There is a big concern for children who are given cell phones at a young age. According to an article in the Huffington Postchildren do not know how to handle face-to-face conflict because so much of their interactions occur through some sort of technology, essays on cell phones. In preschool, children are taught how to share, wait their turn, essays on cell phones, make friends, and good manners.
Cell phones are now preventing these social skills from being taught because children are too essays on cell phones up in technology than the real world. Since our face-to-face conflict is so limited, it causes us to be anti-social and lose patience quickly, essays on cell phones. Cell phones allow us to have immediate access to information and when we have to wait more than a split second for something we start to get anxious. Children already lose patience quickly but by exposing them essays on cell phones technology at early ages we will be decreasing their chances to learn how to wait for anything.
Cell phones have also caused a big issue with spelling and grammar. Since texting and social media is now our main form of communication, essays on cell phones, people have began to use abbreviations to speak to one another. In addition to abbreviations, people add extra letters to words, include punctuation marks to look like smiley faces and they do not use the necessary grammar skills such as capitalizing the first word in a sentence. This eases our ways of communication when we send a quick text message to a friend but a problem occurs when we are no longer texting and we are now typing an important paper.
Students are now using texting lingo in all of their schoolwork. Children are not practicing the proper skills that they are going to need essays on cell phones the real world which could lead to having a large negative effect in their futures. Can you imagine someone typing a resume for a new job using texting lingo? On top of that, they would struggle through the job interview because of the lack of social skills that they have.
As you can see, there are many negative effects to cell phones and we essays on cell phones to change our ways of communication while we still can. I also made a post about social skills and cell phone usage and found some of your arguments similar! I like that you talked about how we use abbreviations when texting when it is unacceptable to use those same abbreviations when talking to adults and co-workers.
I personally find myself abbreviating when writing essays for school and will catch myself while making revisions. Aleksandra is completely right when she said that these children are being spoiled by technology.
Here is the link to the article I used for my post if you are interested in reading more about the relationship between technology and social skills among college students. Allison, I completely agree with your argument here that cell-phones and all the other communication technology in bulk is detrimental to young people.
I think that communicating through cell phones is essential to get by in our modern day world, but I do agree there is just too much of it. It spoils them, and they lose certain essays on cell phones social skills by having a device in their hands twenty-four-seven. Here is a link to a website debating if kids should have cell phones or not. You must be logged in to post a comment. Sites at Penn State.
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Cell Phone Addiction - Tanner Welton - TEDxLangleyED
, time: 6:47Essay about cell phones at school
A mobile phone, cellular phone, cell phone, cellphone, handphone, or hand phone, sometimes shortened to simply mobile, cell or just phone, is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone service area. The radio frequency link establishes a connection to the switching systems of a mobile phone operator, which 1 day ago · Bullying essays in school opinion essay phones Cell. Doing historical research online essay how to add sources in essays case study on e commerce security. Best site for essays english essay on value of time, male vs female leadership essay. Essay on life is beautiful movie. Vegetarian vs meat eater comparison contrast essay 1 day ago · The scarlet letter research paper, walden university library dissertations persuasive essay topics on social media dissertation mentor. How to write a novel title in an essay Customer relationship management case study topics on cell phones of Essay misuse phones on Essay misuse of cell dartmouth application essaysEssay normal font free what is the topic of essay
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