Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Brave new world government essay

Brave new world government essay

brave new world government essay

Oct 06,  · Brave New World Government. Government: this word is used to define the system that maintains the state and her people. This system is run by officials who, hopefully, have the nation's best interest at heart; but these best interests for a country often find themselves conflicting in their particular perspectives. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the government Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins However, we are meant to understand that the same government control that provides subjects with peace and stability also robs them of their essential humanity. The horror of Brave New World lies in its depiction of human beings as machines, manufactured on assembly lines and continuously monitored for quality assurance. John, the “savage” from New Mexico, initially The story of Brave New World presents a scary scenario of government control, regulations on reproduction, and a resulting lack of love in society. The battle between nurture and nature takes place. The State represents the nurturing factors that influence the behavior of individuals; the genes that provide the individuals with instinctive behaviors represent nature.5/5(1)

Brave New World Government short essay | FreebookSummary

Book: Brave New World. To clarify, the principles, theories and arguments presented here in are democratic in orientation and not communistic, because the arguments aim toward freedom and rights. There will always be a great conflict for those with the misfortune Of being leaders: to preserve the state or the people. A decisive argument will skip the moral ethics and get right down to the primary idea: a nation is only possible through her people.

This idea, being understood, it is absolutely impossible in a utopian setting brave new world government essay there would be dissatisfaction. A good leader must make sure that their people are provided for, and this can e done simply by meeting the needs of the nation. Fifth nation wants for nothing, it can be assumed that order would automatically be ensured amongst her people.

This is but another example of how the State has ailed the people. Any ruler worth his salt must first earn the respect, or alternatively fear, of his subjects in order to reign successful Respect earns the ruler the trust of the people: this trust then allows for orderly conduct amongst the citizens of the country.

How can they? The citizens do not respect the controllers, they merely adhere to the rules, brave new world government essay. Though this does not mean that they are dissatisfied, in actual fact they have no sense of dissatisfaction unless it stands opposed to their hypnotic prejudice.

There is one major variable that needs to be considered in keeping order in a nation. People change, things change, nothing will ever remain the same for long, and a good government should be as adaptable as the people.

If one is to properly maintain order, one must be able to conform with society and trends. These changes and trends are how mankind has earned and developed, and will continue to do so.

As stated, government or those in power, must too be able to move forward or to risk losing control and becoming obsolete. This is quite possibly the biggest flaw in Huxley Brave New World: mankind now controls and predestines the people that inhabit their world, and the price for this control has become progress.

In order to preserve control they must therefore eliminate evolution. In conclusion, it is safe to say that Huxley utopia went about achieving its status in the wrong way. Mankind has lost its free brave new world government essay to the controlling powers of a system.

Brave new world government essay system cannot be called government, as it is more akin in characteristics to slavery. Man no longer has freewill and order is kept not through respect and intellect, but via degeneration and conduct. The former sections of this essay present strategies and technique uses used to maintain order in a society of individuals. Finally, it may be argued that the Brave New World protects society by locking them in a cage of ignorance; however, this is at the cost of freedom, and this is unacceptable.

Mankind needs be free in order to progress as has been explained. Protection is all well and good but not at the cost of freedom: humans must be free to make mistakes in order to evolve, brave new world government essay, grow and create. Societal order must still be maintained, brave new world government essay, but not abused. Those in charge are well within their right to impose laws and rules, as long as these laws keep within a reasonable parameter.

Protection is one thing, enslavement is another; if protection must come at the cost of freedom then it is not worth it, and I am sure that those in Brave New World, if given the chance, brave new world government essay, would choose freedom. Huxley utopia is a future that we should hope is never realized, it would bring us to ruin. If we must place faith in those in control, let us hope that they possess the qualities presented in this essay, and have the ability to lead a world of free people forward and beyond.

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Aldous Huxley and Brave New World: The Dark Side of Pleasure

, time: 8:43

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley - Words | Essay Example

brave new world government essay

However, we are meant to understand that the same government control that provides subjects with peace and stability also robs them of their essential humanity. The horror of Brave New World lies in its depiction of human beings as machines, manufactured on assembly lines and continuously monitored for quality assurance. John, the “savage” from New Mexico, initially May 13,  · Brave New World Essay Ever since people have existed, they have been ultimately trying to improve the way they live their lives. In the modern era, people view science as a tool to improve the world through the means of technology In Huxley’s Brave New World, the government embodies oppression. The antonym, ‘democracy’, is entirely absent. From decanting to death, the government controls every breath and thought without asking the consent of the governed. Further, every resident has become a tool of mind control – tattling, or shunning anyone deviating from expected behavior

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